Researchers aim to take confusion out of food choices for people with type 2 diabetes

Aiming to take the confusion out of food choices for people diagnosed with type 2
diabetes is the aim of new research at Griffith University.

“There is much confusion about what is the correct diet for people with type 2 diabetes,
with many taking advice from a whole range of health professionals – as well as family
and friends – much of which can be very conflicting,” says research leader Dr Lauren
Ball from the Griffith Health Institute on the Gold Coast.

“Our aim is to really understand the nutrition care needs of newly diagnosed patients by

asking them who they are talking to for advice, how they feel about it, how they are
benefitting from it and how information sources can be improved.”

Taking participants from across Australia who have been diagnosed with the condition
within the last three months, the study is using telephone interviews to gain a broader
understanding of the experiences people have with receiving food and nutrition

“In the first six months after diagnosis, patients often experience changes to their
enjoyment of food whilst trying to follow a recommended diet, and most only temporarily
adhere to dietary modifications.

“Factors influencing dietary adherence are poorly understood and are often over
simplified. Exploring patients’ experiences of dietary change and their views on the
support required to maintain these changes in the crucial first six months after diagnosis
will provide valuable insight into the development of better long-term self-management

“The information we gather will help us to establish the extent to which people receive
information and support that is helpful in meeting their personal food and nutrition needs,
and the ways in which people could be better supported by health professionals.”
