‘Scandalous scaremongering’ over NHS

Labour’s running of the NHS in Wales has come under attack from the press and the Conservatives

Labour has accused the Conservatives of “scandalous scaremongering” over the state of the Welsh NHS.

Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies said Labour had left Wales with longer waiting lists and reduced access to treatments available elsewhere.

But Shadow Welsh Secretary Owen Smith said Labour was “proud” of its record running the NHS in Wales.

He said Wales had a “harder task to deal with” than other UK nations due to an older and sicker population.

‘Frightening’ patients

Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood told Sunday Supplement on BBC Radio Wales that the Conservatives and Labour were “playing politics” with the Welsh NHS.

Speaking of the attack on Labour’s record in Wales, she said: “It’s unforgiveable that the Tories would risk frightening patients and demoralising staff in this way.”

Dame June Clark, professor emeritus at Swansea University and former president of the Royal College of Nursing, told the programme that political “carping” about the NHS was “frightening” patients.

She added that it was not helping the morale of staff who were “working their socks off” in both England and Wales, which each had their problems.

  • Hear Sunday Supplement on the BBC iPlayer or watch Sunday Politics Wales on BBC One Wales at 11:00 GMT.