Scientists discover gene that controls sleep patterns also determines how fat we become

  • Scientists find gene that regulates biorhythms also controls fat levels
  • Discovery by researchers at Garvan Institute, Sydney, may combat obesity
  • Study found mice lost weight when gene was turned off

Daily Mail Reporter

16:08 EST, 8 January 2014


17:05 EST, 8 January 2014

A gene regulating our body clock may stop us piling on the pounds and could be used to create anti obesity drugs, researchers claim.

Researchers found that the ‘neuropeptide Y system’ (NPY), may play a central role in determining how fat we become.

They compared the NPY system in mice with humans and found an important difference.

Radical: A gene which regulates the body clock as well as growth hormone production could be used to combat obesity in humans

In humans the neurotransmitter communicates with four well-known ‘cell surface receptors’ in the brain (Y1, Y2, Y4 and Y5) which trigger the system’s effects.

However mice have an additional receptor, Y6, which has a profound effect on their body composition.

It is produced in the part of the brain that regulates the body clock as well as growth hormone production.

Scientists may have discovered a gene which could control how fat we become

Researchers deleted the gene in mice to understand its effects on body fat.

They found that mice without the Y6 gene were smaller and had less lean tissue than normal mice.

On the other hand as they aged they became fatter than normal mice especially when on a high-fat diet.

The mice on a high fat diet actually became obese and developed metabolic problems similar to diabetes.

the Y6 receptors are different in humans, the findings, published in
Cell Metabolism, could help researchers develop anti-obesity drugs in
the future.

Professor Amanda
Sainsbury-Salis, from the Garvan Institute in Sydney, said: ‘I find it
amazing that one gene, which is expressed in the small part of the brain
that controls the body clock, has such a profound impact on how much
fat is stored on the body, and how much lean tissue is maintained.

‘Importantly, we use mice as models of human beings in research, and so when looking for anti-obesity drugs, we need to fully understand the function of the NPY system in this animal model to understand how similar circuits in humans connect with the body clock.’


Comments (27)

what you think

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LONDON, United Kingdom,

25 minutes ago

Note how the ever-dim and dumb DM science/medical hacks start every story witth a question and their favourite word, ‘could’. Answer, ‘l don’t know – why ask us?’


Bedworth, United Kingdom,

53 minutes ago

It’s surprising how little that is effective has been invented so far to deal with the ever increasing problem of obesity. There must be billions in it for any pharma company that creates a successful product.



1 hour ago

I thought sugar was all the rage today !


Ocle pychard, Bahamas,

1 hour ago

Plenty of SEX is the only answer!


norwich, United Kingdom,

2 hours ago

There is no fat gene. only bad diets and lazy people.


Leicester, United Kingdom,

11 minutes ago

There are ‘fat’ genes but this just means people who have one or more of these need to work harder to say healthy – easier said than done though. Also it is likely (based on the studies done) that many overweight people do not have a ‘fat’ gene so clearly genetics is just part of the picture.


leamington spa,

2 hours ago

It appears that everything is responsible except over eating.



3 hours ago

You can call it what you want but it always comes down to a simple equation,If you put in more fuel than the body needs to function you will have an excess and put on weight. The biggest single cause of obesity is lack of exercise and as you get heavier you want to do less. It really is that simple. I looked at all the rubbish i was eating and cut out even the “Sugar Free” fizzy drinks as these contain Aspartame or “Nutra Sweet” as it’s known in the States, This sweetener tricks your brain and body into storing these sugars as fat and not energy unlike natural sugars found in fruit etc so are harder to burn off. The result is i have lost 5 stones in 7 months. You need to exercise gently at first and do not have to go to a gym, Just going for long walks is a fantastic way of getting fit. The Ad’s on Tv are saying cut out sugar and go sugar free but be careful as these can be as dangerous if not worse in some cases.



1 hour ago

So what are you saying… i.e. not to take on board sugar free ‘as these can be dangerous if not worse in some cases’?????


LEICESTER, United Kingdom,

21 minutes ago

Yes, Bingo. Sugar free is if anything even worse. These sweetners are not recognised by the body, they are toxins, but for our own protection they need to be wrapped in fat cells. Avoid all sugar free and low fat items. Eat proper food.
Like golfpro 100, I gave up sugar and lost just over three stone. I did it this way initially as a kind of “I don’t want to be a diabetic” It worked and the difference is it has stayed off as my regime is now normal life.



4 hours ago

I love Xmas cake and over winter lose a hole on my belt, eat salads in summer and find it again, is there a connection or is it because I always wear jeans?


Lonxon, United Kingdom,

5 hours ago

Eat with the Chinese body clock. Every organ in the body works at a different time. Digestion finishes around 2pm so you need to eat your main meal by then, otherwise it will not get divested properly.


Kent, United Kingdom,

3 hours ago

“Digestion finishes around 2pm…” What complete tosh.


5 hours ago

Yes, blame the genes! You are not fat cause all of the food and no phisical exercise. No! It’s the genes!

2 of 3 replies


Kent, United Kingdom,

3 hours ago

Joy, this is complete rubbish. Belson victims all looked similar, didn’t they? What did they have in common? They were barely fed and they were worked all day.


Ex-pat in Oz and loving it, Australia,

1 hour ago

Joy – genetics certainly influences our metabolic rate, our body shape and lots of other factors. 2 children from the same parents will have different metabolic rates and therefore need different amounts of food to maintain their weight. There really are people out there who can eat almost anything and still not put on weight, as unfair as that may seem. However, the simple fact is that you need to eat more calories than you burn to put on weight. The fact that other people or your sister or brother may burn more or less than you is irrelevant – it’s YOUR calorie requirements that will control your weight. “Just eat less” is very unpopular but very true.

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