Smoking May Actually Make You Gain Weight

We’ve all heard the excuse: “I would quit smoking, but I don’t want to go up a pants size.” But new research in the journal Obesity seems to debunk that claim—and even suggests that lighting up can contribute to packing on pounds.
The researchers served 47 women four cups of vanilla pudding, each with a different amount of fat, and asked them to rate the snacks’ creaminess, sweetness, and the pleasure they experienced while eating it. What they found: Obese women who smoked thought all of the puddings were less sweet and creamy and enjoyed the treats less than non-smokers did.

MORE: 4 Major Problems with “Social” Smoking  
What’s the link between cigs and sweets? Both obesity and smoking may hinder your ability to detect flavor, possibly due to a decrease in serotonin levels, a brain chemical that controls the response of your taste buds, the scientists say.
And it’s not just dessert you have to worry about: Smokers of any weight tended to crave high-fat foods more often than non-smokers, which may explain why they had higher waist-to-hip ratios than women without a nicotine habit. Pair those cravings with a reduced ability to detect the flavor of your food, and you’ll likely end up eating way more than you would if you could fully appreciate the taste. 

MORE: Are Meat and Dairy Really as Bad for You as Smoking?Â