Study: You May Be Able to Monitor Your Blood Pressure Better Than Your Doc

Sometimes, your own insights might be better than your doc’s—at least, that’s what new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found about patients with hypertension who monitored their own blood pressure readings. According to the study, those who tracked their blood pressure on their own and adjusted their medication accordingly were able to achieve lower readings over the course of 12 months when compared to those who received usual doctor care.

Researchers divided 450 patients currently on hypertension medication into two groups, with an initial average blood pressure reading of roughly the same—143.1/80.5 mm Hg—in the intervention group and the control group. Here, the top number or systolic blood pressure is considered high (the normal is 120/80). The control group was given routine care by their physician, where doctors gave checkups and adjusted medication at their own discretion, while the intervention group was taught to monitor their own blood pressure readings with a recommended cuff (Microlife WatchBP Home) and administer adjustments in blood pressure medication based on a personalized plan previously OK’d by their docs.

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During the first week of each month, the patients took a reading twice per morning. If four readings during that week clocked in higher than the desired goal for two months in a row, the patient was told to adjust the medication dose according to their personalized plan’s recommendation, which was unique for each person. If a person made a self-adjustment, they simply sent documentation to their physician without having to consult her about the change.

The results were pretty impressive. Over the course of 12 months, blood pressure readings dropped to 128.2/73.8 mm Hg in the intervention group and 137.8/76.3 mm Hg in the control group, which means self-monitoring led to a 9.2 mm Hg improvement in systolic blood pressure (the number researchers were hoping to improve with this self-management method). And if those trial numbers held, researchers think self-management could decrease odds of a stroke by 30 percent overall. But the big takeaway here is that monitoring their own blood pressure readings at home led to an even better outcome than regularly checking in with their doctors about it. 

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More good news: There didn’t seem to be any problematic symptoms as a result of the home-monitoring method. More studies need to be conducted to determine factors like how safe it is for different patients and if nurses might be able to train people to track their own readings. However, this study is a promising first step for those at high-risk of heart issues who want to stay on top of their blood pressure. And with blood pressure monitors selling at just $25, it could be a low-cost, effective way to save lives.

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