Surviving Hate

Today, Michelle Obama denounced the candidate for ‘bragging about sexually assaulting women’

I wonder what the toxic exposure to this particular candidate can do to the young people of today Have his violent and hateful speech and reported aggressive acts against women, his flavor of hate and terror, been “normalized” by the constant media stream? Will it have lasting effects concerning treatment of women, the disabled and minorities. A bully hits a raw nerve with me: I have a personal interest, as I have written before about the struggles that come with Epilepsy and the social hardships that come with navigating that kind of disability as a teenager — not just physically but emotionally. So for me, this is very personal.

When I started losing so many people in my world to cancer, I, in turn, went to work to develop what would be of interest for my children’s future, the next generation and protecting their future through education, advocacy and policies.

As a parent, I worry too about the effects of all the hate and disregard we have heard recently and especially about women. I am concerned about the human condition and the lasting adverse effects resulting from the rhetoric of the Republican candidate. I am an advocate, not a scientist or a physician, but I do believe that like any toxic chemical or harmful exposure, we also need to look at this type of hate in the same way.

The Republican candidate does not act alone. “Hate” is a cash cow for the single narrative, opinionist news outlets that continue to feed the dragon. While networks like NBC fire hosts that engaged with the candidate, I am not seeing them stopping ads for the candidate.

The media is quick to criticize the candidate and do so with hands out accepting his campaign advertising.

Like with cancer, money is a driving force, and with the cancer of hate, we too are seeing a similar model in the media fanning the flames for profit.

I think of the many young adults today. I am confident their personal leadership and their understanding of community, public service, and the practice of honoring all people. I believe they have this consciousness despite what media companies do.