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NSA: Yes we know…More than 40 percent of Americans who support crooked Hillary say Donald Trump should drop out of the presidential race, they have been trying in vain but failed every time..

The Republican ‘Establishment’ is scared to death of Trump. Their arrogance is so thick, that they still can’t see that it’s the “We the People” who is the real “voice” of Trump. Oh yeah !, they hear it now, but they still aren’t listening. There is still more dirty work and back door underhanded politics for them to play.

How silly and shameful the Republican culture looked right is evident by Rubio’s childish behavior. We gave them the House and the Senate, and they still can’t run the Govt, nor get 4 hostages back from Iran. Silly, silly little people we have in the party. Trump is right, in almost every way

The past 12 months have been vaguely reminiscent of 1980, when people wanted change and Jimmy Carter’s campaign tried to scare the country about Ronald Reagan, who went on to win over 40 states. Trump lacks Reagan’s smoothness and gubernatorial bona fides. But running a campaign around making people afraid of Trump, a self-professed ambassador of change, would be risky for Clinton.

Secret Anti-Trump Donor Revealed, she is responsible for the corruption in the GOP and for encouraging and provoking ‘ People For Bernie ‘

Ricketts and her husband, TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts, have almost single-handedly funded the super PAC, led by former Mitt Romney adviser Katie Packer

Marlene Ricketts, whose family owns the Chicago Cubs and whose son, Pete, is the Governor of Nebraska, has been identified as the mystery donor spending millions of dollars of her own money to keep Donald Trump out of the White House

Wealthy Republican donors have been pouring money into the campaigns of Cuban-American Rubio, Canadian-American Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz, Gov. John Kasich, and, until recently, Jeb Bush ( The Loser ), but Marlene Ricketts is going a step further.

According to newly released campaign finance reports, Ricketts gave $3 million to ‘ Our Principles PAC ‘ — a corrupt group managed by another loser Mitt Romney 2012 top aide Katie Packer, dedicated to destroying Trump’s candidacy — accounting for nearly all the funds the PAC raised in January. ‘Our Principles’ sent anti-Trump mailers and ran Trump-bashing ads before the Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina contests. So far they have been throwing lots of money away with NO return on their manipulated investments

Incredible. The Republican party is ENCOURAGED a losing candidate from the past to ATTACK the clear leader and the clear choice of the American people. It shows one thing: The Republican party is fine if one of their chosen candidates is the nominee. They are fine if a Democrat is the nominee.

That is called CORRUPTION ! , plain and simple

This whole Delegate process at the RNC just underlines the over all problem with US politics today. Politicians love to forget who it was that elected them to their position ( in cases when money doesn’t buy the election). That attitude has now corrupted aspiring citizen politicians like these delegates that forgot they were selected to represent the voice of their state not their personal biased corrupt opinion.

These Delegates were trying to claim a ‘conscious objection’ to perform the duty they were selected for. Ok fine, you’re not sure you can represent your state as you were selected, that is what alternates are for. Resign your selection as a delegate if you can not perform the duties you were selected/elected to perform. Don’t mutiny for your own personal irrational cause, that is NOT what you were sent to the convention to do. You were not selected to represent yourself but the US voters…the voice of the public!

To top all this, these Delegates were from Colorado. Colorado had some issues with their caucus this year. Oh yea the Republican Party in Colorado decide “who needs a caucus? ” and selected their own representatives to vote for Cruz. All this despite strong evidence if the electorate in Colorado were given their chance to caucus, Cruz would not have been selected. So these “Delegates” that lead the whole attempted mutiny had already successfully pulled the wool over their own states eyes. Now they lead an insurrection to try and steal the convention to change the nominee ? !. I guess we had an attempted coup in Turkey this week, why not in Cleveland as well…

The lady that lead this revolt is a politician in Colorado. She should be recalled for her actions and exposed as a corrupt individual she is. For going AGAINST the will of the voting public, actively working to undermine the free honest will of the public, and attempting to circumvent the voice and decision of the electorate. Would this had been tolerated during a Bush Convention or even a Regan Convention? Neither were loved by all at the time of the convention but did we see this type of action from delegates back then? Double Standards by way of corruption and thus Disgraceful !

They are not interested in winning. Both Republicans and Democrats only care about keeping things just the way they are so they can continue to feed off the teat of government to enrich themselves and their big business donors. Donald Trump is threatening their gravy train and woe to anyone who does that.

Pathetic Romney lost in 2012 after President Obama struck him with bayonets and put him in a coffin. Now in 2016 like count Dracula he has emerged in the mid night of the establishment like a puppet on a string to tell the Republicans who they should not vote for in the remaining primaries.

Donald Trump won the Republican primary of 2016 and Mitt could not even win the state of Massachusetts in the general election against Pres. Obama of which he was governor.

The moron Mormon will go down in history as a sore loser and someone who’s doing damage to the Republican Party. This move by Romney is exactly why Republicans have not won the last two elections. Greedy individuals, everybody for themselves and can not unify to beat the socialist left.

Mr. Romney take a hike, your influence is no better than that of the New York Times which endorsed Kasich. A new era has dawned in the Republican party. The Republicans are making their own minds on who they want in the White house and your two cents of wisdom are worthless away and back into your hiding you shameless career politician.

“A lot of people smugly said when we get down to reality, he is not going to be the nominee because in the end people aren’t going to vote for him,” Newt Gingrich, once the House Speaker and a presidential candidate, said of Trump. Well, guess what — he’s almost certainly going to be the nominee.

The old corrupt “Establishment” is in panic mode, playing every card they have in this game to derail both Hillary and Trump. They have their man in waiting-Bloomberg. Clinton just got a warning shot over the bow by the DOJ. They gave immunity to a close Clinton aide who helped set up the private server. That means he talked to FBI. Trump is harder to take down, because of the wide support he gets from voters.

That’s why they brought Romney. Romney is the dumbest critter in the world. His rise to political power is thanks to his daddy’s political clout. He didn’t think Trump was a bad man when he solicited Trumps endorsement in 2012. But now when the Establishment is about to lose control of the Republican Party they are firing all the guns they got .

If their plan works, Sanders will quit just before Hillary does too. Sanders was the Clown who performed in intermissions between circus performances. Hillary will be forced out of the race ,she won’t be indicted ,just forced out under threat of prosecution.

The Establishment through their patsy corrupt Media will endorse Bloomberg and spend billion bucks for a blitzkrieg campaign to steal the election. At least they own the Democratic Party outright. There will be an outright voter fraud. It’s not going to help. People wised up and are going to throw the rotten corps of the Establishment over the cliff.

The “Reagan” Democrats will vote Trump in. So will the majority of independents. Don’t write the Establishment out yet. They still have one major hidden card they could play: the Supreme court nominee. They could force the Senate to accept their candidate ,don’t think for a minute that Obama will nominate anyone but their choice.

Obama is their patsy scheme too. In that case, if Trump is elected, every decision he makes will be challenged in court and the SCOTUS will limit the effect of his Presidency. Sad but true. As a collective ‘We The People of This United States’ are royally f-d. I see nothing short of an armed revolution saving this free enterprise republic. And that ain’t gonna happen. The corrupted ‘Establishment’ made sure that since to 70’s the upcoming generations grew dumb, uneducated and lazy.