The 7 Best Foods to Eat if You Want to Sculpt Seriously Awesome Arms

This article was written by JJ Virgin, a celebrity fitness and nutrition expert and New York Times bestselling author, and was provided by our partners at Rodale Wellness.

One of the side effects of being in the public eye is that people ask you awkward questions. This one on Facebook made me laugh out loud: You photoshopped your arms, didn’t you?

Ha! No, but I’ll take that as a compliment. These days, I suppose it’s only natural to assume that if it looks too good to be true, it’s probably digitally enhanced. But I worked hard to get my arms lean and sculpted, and you can do the same.

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Great arms don’t just happen. Even if you won the genetics lottery and can easily build muscle, fabulous arms require both resistance and burst training. Combining lifting weights with quick bursts of fat-blasting activity is the best way to get strong and toned.

However, when it comes to building muscle, a lot of the work actually happens outside the gym. Aim for seven to nine hours of great sleep every night, and make it a priority to address your stress levels. Sleep deprivation and chronic stress both increase hormones that prevent fat loss and muscle building.

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There’s also some key foods you can eat to make the most of your workouts. These seven provide serious support to help you get lean, toned, and healthy: