The 8 Craziest Things Nurses Have Ever Seen

This article was written by Maggie Puniewksa and provided by our partners at Prevention.

There’s no doubt that when you’re working in the medical field, you see a lot of strange things—after all, dealing intimately with people means dealing with human bodies and, yes, bodily functions. And probably no one knows this better than nurses. Their job isn’t just making sure patients are comfortable and healthy; they’re also a medical expert, waiter, alarm clock, caretaker, cleaning person, dietitian, unofficial therapist, and counselor, all rolled into one—which can lead to some interesting situations. 

We asked nurses around the country to share their craziest tales of patient care. (Want to pick up some healthier habits? Sign up to get healthy living tips, weight loss inspiration, slimming recipes, and more delivered straight to your inbox!)

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