The Best Produce You’re Not Buying

Do you buy broccoli, bags of romaine, and baby carrots again and again…and again? Most of us fall into a weekly grocery store rut of buying the same easy-to-use fruits and vegetables that we know our family loves (and we know how to prep!). But right next to those familiar bags of spinach and tomatoes are tons of good-for-you items that you probably pass right by (because really, who knows how to cook okra, right?). The thing is, some of these less popular produce items are loaded with nutrients and surprisingly easy to use. Their names and shapes may be intimidating, but with a few tips they’ll become a staple in your diet. Challenge yourself to pick these up the next time you’re in the produce aisle:  

This fresh summer vegetable is probably one you’ve passed by more than once. I think of okra as an all-around health booster because it provides a wealth of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin (important members of the beta-carotene family.) It is particularly rich in soluble fiber, which experts believe can help lower your LDL cholesterol level. If you have ever had slimy okra (which made you never want to try it again), it may not have been cooked whole and the mucus lining on the interior was released. In fact, the ooze that comes from the sliced vegetable is used to thicken sauces and stews. To prevent this, be careful while washing not to break them open. While still whole and uncut, just use olive oil to stir-fry, steam, or grill. While they’re delicious by themselves, you can also cut and add them to your favorite stews or soups. Come on, who can resist a good gumbo?

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Jalapeño Peppers
Instead of reaching for the familiar bell peppers, spice it up and go for a bright red, green or yellow skinny jalapeño pepper. This spicy alternative contains an antioxidant called capsaicin, which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and metabolism booster. Some studies have found that people who eat pepper-packed meals feel less hungry and burn more calories! Jalapeños can be added to virtually any food (or for daring, spicy food lovers, eaten whole.) Slice them thinly and experiment gradually by adding a few to your scrambled eggs or sprinkling them on salads. Be careful, not everyone can take the heat.

Fennel may be familiar to you at Italian or Mediterranean restaurants, but it’s probably never stepped foot in your own kitchen. Well we’re about to change that! Fennel is easy to use and loaded with nutrients. Plus the entire fennel, which looks like a large onion with a leafy stalk, is actually edible. From the bulb to the stalk, leaves, and seeds, fennel adds a crunchy, slightly sweet, licorice taste to dishes. It is loaded with phytonutrients, vitamin C, fiber, folate and potassium. Its most unique characteristic is the phytonutrient anethole, which studies have shown may reduce inflammation and play a role in preventing cancer. The bulb can be treated like an onion—after peeling off the outer layer, I cut it into pieces to be sautéed or eaten raw. The leaves can be mixed into salads or used as a garnish to flavor cooked fish. Bonus: It lasts in the fridge for weeks.

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Fresh in the market since the start of spring, you have probably seen these curly green fiddleheads that are oh-so-interesting looking but probably scare you. Don’t be afraid—fiddleheads are actually ferns that have not unfurled yet and are packed with nutrients. Along with being rich in vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system and is essential for healthy vision, fiddleheads also contain niacin, vitamin C, and riboflavin. So stick a bundle in your grocery cart, then once you get home, remove the stem and thoroughly rinse to remove all the brown bits. They can be tossed into a salad raw, but I usually steam or sauté them to substitute for asparagus or green beans as a healthy side dish. When cooked, they have a very similar flavor!  

I love dates because they have tons of nutrition, and they’re as sweet as candy. I bet one or two will truly satisfy any sugar craving that comes your way. Just one date contains 1.6 g of fiber, which reduces LDL cholesterol and fights obesity, heart disease, and colorectal cancer. Dates are also full of vitamins and minerals including B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, copper, calcium and manganese. When pitted, I toss them in my salad just like I would with raisins! They’re so sweet that you can even use them to help balance out the bitterness of greens in a smoothie.

Often overlooked for looking like just another type of lettuce, endives have a unique flavor at zero cost to your waistline. I consider them a completely “free” food (1/2 cup is only 4 calories!). They are full of nutrients including folate, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, and potassium, but you have to eat a whole head of them to reap the nutritional benefits. I like to use endives as more of a filler food because they contain a ton of water—making them a perfect pre-dinner snack or for those times when you just are in the mood to munch. Plus, all you have to do is cut off the bottom and eat the leaves raw. I love to use to use as them as “chips” to dip in guacamole, throw them in a salad, or just snack on them by themselves!

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