The Ethics of Star Trek: Into Darkness

But Star Trek is notoriously some-more philosophical than many other sci-fi, and Abrams also managed to incorporate philosophical issues into this film as well. The many apparent one was this: What defines that that is implicitly right? How can we tell what a implicitly right thing to do is? Kirk argues with Spock about either or not rescuing him from a volcano on Nibiru was a implicitly right thing to do, Spock convinces Kirk not to kill Kahn undisguised though let him mount hearing since it is a implicitly right thing to do, and Kirk sacrifices his life to save The Enterprise since he believes it is a implicitly right thing to do. There are a engorgement of reliable theories on display, and even argued for, in Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Utilitarianism: This is a reliable speculation that suggests a integrity or wrongness of an movement is dynamic by how many happiness or pain it produces. If an movement produces some-more complacency than pain, it is implicitly right; if it produces some-more pain than happiness, it is implicitly wrong. It is roughly cliché – during slightest it has turn cliché in my classroom – to use a Vulcan proverb “The needs of a many transcend a needs of a few, or a one” to promulgate utilitarianism. The strange Spock, in a strange second Star Trek film The Wrath of Khan, even quotes such logic directly when he sacrifices his life to save The Enterprise. Yes, entering a core will kill him, though it will save many. The new Spock engages in a same logic in Into Darkness when he is peaceful to scapegoat his life to safeguard that a primary gauge is not violated. Revealing an visitor participation to a local people of Nibiru would pervert their whole culture; Spock believes that a needs of a Nibiru locals transcend his need to live.

Feminist Ethics: When Kirk rescues Spock, primary gauge be damned, he is indeed working on something unequivocally identical to feminist ethics. Feminists have criticized normal ethics by suggesting that they customarily rest on manly assumptions. For example, utilitarianism is sincerely individualistic and treats each life equally. But things competence not be so simple; mothers for instance would gladly scapegoat dual other lives to save their child, and we doubt many would implicitly doubt such an action. Would we unequivocally consider a mom was a good mom if she sacrificed her child to save dual others that weren’t her own? Feminist ethics suggests, since of a significance of community, family and friends, it is implicitly excusable to preference your possess during a responsibility of others, if necessary. When Kirk rescues Spock from a Nibiru volcano, he is doing only that. And when Kirk objects to Spock filing a news on a incident– throwing him underneath a bus, so to speak, and removing Kirk nude of his authority – Kirk does so formed on feminist ethic ideals.

Kantian Duty Ethics: Kant argued that some things are implicitly requisite regardless of circumstance. How did he interpretation what was obligatory? Suppose we are deliberation doing a sold kind of movement – like lying. Kant argued that if universalizing that movement (if everybody doing it) would lead to a contradiction, we are implicitly thankful to not perform that action. Since if everybody lied all a time, communication would be unfit (and so fibbing would be impossible) Kant suspicion that we were always implicitly thankful not to lie, regardless of a circumstance. Vulcans, and Spock in particular, follow this sequence by never lying.

Virtue Ethics: The trait ethicist doesn’t so many offer adult a clarification of what is right and wrong, though is some-more endangered with reckoning out how to act virtuously. Behaving rightly is some-more critical than understanding what creates your function correct. They advise that we can do this by emulating dignified exemplars. We brand only people and afterwards try to act as they would behave. Kirk is working in line with trait ethics when he saves The Enterprise during a cost of his possess life. He tells Spock, as he sits failing on a irradiated side of a glass, that he did it since that is what Spock would have done.

The new Star Trek film can also be used to indicate out where these theories conflict. For example, Dr. Carol Marcus lies to get on The Enterprise –and that is something that Spock would never do. But, when we consider about it, maybe he should. After all, she wouldn’t have been there to stop her father from destroying The Enterprise had she not lied. Shouldn’t Spock comprehend that infrequently his need not to distortion can be outweighed by a needs of a many?

If reliable theories conflict, how are we to confirm what we ought to do? Ted Schick suggests that we competence proceed ethnical questions like scientists proceed systematic questions. Comparing competing systematic hypotheses is not an all or zero ordeal. Scientists use a criteria of adequacy: testability, fruitfulness, scope, morality and conservativism. All a hypotheses that we are deliberation competence fit one or some-more criteria, though a one that fits a many is clearly preferable. And if there is a tie, we competence have to contend that we simply don’t know that one is true.

We can proceed ethics in a identical way. The systematic criteria themselves will not be useful, though we can reinstate them with a reliable theories we have considered. When deliberation either or not to do an action, ask yourself how many reliable theories would advise that we should perform that action. If all or many of them contend we should, afterwards it is many expected implicitly right. If nothing of them do, or many don’t, afterwards it is substantially wrong. And if some contend we should, and some contend we shouldn’t, we competence only have to acknowledge that we don’t know either it is right or wrong.

This proceed would expected absolve a actions of who arguably is a biggest favourite in a film, Scotty, who saves The Enterprise from a bigger and improved boat in many a same proceed that he did in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock– by sabotaging a other ship. The thing Scotty did that this proceed would expected absolve is his refusal to pointer for a modernized poser torpedoes that a Admiral wants to put on The Enterprise. Nearly each reliable speculation would advise he did a right thing. Because a torpedoes could have something on them that could meddle with a operation of a ship, and even destroy it, application would extol him for looking after a needs of a many. The feminist would extol him for looking after a reserve of his crew. Kant competence advise that he did something wrong since he disobeyed an sequence (and if we universalize disobeying orders they turn meaningless). Then again, he competence have a avocation as an operative to always know what is on his ship; universalizing a miss of such regard could be equally contradictory. Regardless, he seems to be working as a good operative should, and so would be irreproachable by trait ethics. All in all, we interpretation that Scotty clearly did a implicitly right thing.

And we also interpretation that Star Trek: Into Darkness was a good Star Trek movie. And off we go to see it in a museum again.

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