‘The Life Changes That Helped Me Lose 120 Pounds and Cope with My Anxiety and Depression’

When I started working out, I also began tracking all the food I ate using MyFitnessPal to see how much I was actually taking in. I was astounded by all the calories hiding in things like ranch dressing and peanut butter! I quickly cut out soda and white bread products. Then, I made a daily calorie goal calculated by what I hoped to achieve and my body type.

Eventually, I started worrying too much about numbers and began undereating. I was plateauing more often and still didn’t feel great. Finally, in 2014, a year after setting out on this journey, I did an elimination diet and found that I was sensitive to gluten. When I went gluten-free it changed my health in many positive ways.

On a typical day, I’ll eat about 1,670 calories, one gallon of water, and probably coffee (I can’t quit this addiction). My favorite breakfast meal is a fuji apple, one banana, organic cinnamon with a dollop of organic almond butter, sliced finely and put in the microwave for three minutes. It is heavenly. 

Lunch is usually a bag of frozen veggies with a lean protein and guacamole or salsa.

My husband is an amazing cook, so we like to mix it up at dinnertime. We’ll try a sweet potato, chicken, ground turkey, or chorizo, a veggie like Brussels sprouts, green beans, or carrots, and top it with an egg, and fajita veggies. It’s a filling, instant meal with a rainbow of colors.

For a treat, I try to use dairy alternatives like coconut and cashew products as much as possible, but sometimes a girl has to have ice cream! I also sample recipes from different healthy plans like Whole30, but I don’t follow those strict plans.

Check out this total body workout that will leave you sweaty AF: