The Surprising Story of Getting the Sh*ts on a Sex Retreat

Sex is fun.

The sh*ts, not so much.

So, here we are, my husband and I, in this fantastic five-star jungle resort in Bali, ready to learn everything we can about how to become more intimate with each other, when the sh*t, my sh*t, hits the proverbial fan.

I’m talking stomach cramps and squeezing my butt hole for dear life as I race to the toilet to avoid the unthinkable, all while attempting to explore every inch of each other.

Every inch my ass (this was more clever than I imagined).

There were many moments when sex was the last thing on my mind.


Particularly, the time when I had to hotfoot it to the toilet, by the pool, when the grumble came a-knockin’. Sat quite happily on the loo, having finished my business and just hanging out for a while, as one does after a movement of significant proportions to let things settle down, my husband busted open the door, making a loud yoo-hoo noise, intending to scare the hell out of me, which he did, followed by even more sh*t.

We looked at each other in total shock, clearly tuning into that unmistakeable sound of… yes, you’ve got the picture.

Yes, people, my husband quite literally scared the sh*t out of me.

He was thrilled.

I couldn’t believe what was happening.

Then we laughed so hard we cried.

Here’s what’s crazy about this story.

You’d think that our week would have been ruined, but, in fact, just the opposite is true.

We had the best week of our lives.

A little rumble in the jungle wasn’t going to stop us.

Everything I’m about to share with you comes from the No. 1 intimacy coach, in my opinion, Kim Anami.

Trust me, you need Kim in your life.

We learned that there is no sexual intimacy without emotional intimacy.

We learned we have to be microscopically honest with each other in order to connect emotionally, which is the gateway to amazing sex.

We learned that we thought we were being honest but, in fact, there were so many small truths we were withholding that created an inability to really see one another.

I learned that my sex, the center of creation (think making a baby), is the source of my power, and that harnessing it creates a freedom and an ease I never felt before.

We learned that orgasms for women are not few and far between but possible every time you have sex, particularly vaginal orgasms, which are incredibly spiritual.

And, this is just the tippy, tippy tippy top of the iceberg.

Most importantly, we came away more in love after nine years together. Our week with Kim has changed how we think about bodies, our relationships, and how we love each other.

I want nothing more in this life than to love and enjoy every inch of my husband for a lifetime. I’m doing just that because Kim taught me how.

What I’ve come to know about sexual energy is that it is a miracle worker.

A little diarrhea ain’t nothin’ compared to the work we were ready to do together. Our energy was unstoppable.

Sometimes, sh*t happens.

What support do you have when it does?

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Your Sexy Coach,
Sarah xo