These Illustrations Are Here To Inspire You Through A Creative Block

Are you in a creative slump?

Going through a dry spell can be incredibly frustrating — but don’t hit your head against the keyboard just yet. Sometimes all it takes is a more positive attitude to shift your perspective and spark some new inspiration (not to mention, adopting an upbeat mindset also has a host of health benefits).

If you’ve hit writer’s block, painter’s block or even a runner’s wall, check out the illustrations below. They’re here to encourage you to break through the monotony in order to be the most original version of yourself.

Mike Medaglia is a comics artist and illustrator originally from Canada, now living in London. His book One Year Wiser will be published later this fall from SelfMadeHero. His work explores spirituality and comics, and he also produces a monthly comic for The Huffington Post UK. To learn more, visit his personal website, Facebook or follow him on Twitter.

—Posted by Rebecca Scholl