This Company Is Trying To Change The Way That Trans Men Experience Their Periods

The Huffington Post: Why did you feel a need to create a product for the trans* community?

Miki Agrawal: Two summers ago, our “Underwear for Women With Periods” tagline was born. Around the same time, THINX had spread within the Reddit and Tumblr communities, and those are very vocal communities — so a ton of people emailed us saying that women weren’t the only people with periods. We were pretty struck by this, as it was something we hadn’t given a lot of thought to, which is not super surprising given that there’s such a lack of trans male visibility, even now. So, we did some research and came across articles like this that really opened our eyes. We thought, if our goal is to break this taboo and eliminate the shame associated with periods globally, we’ve gotta do that for everyone. We responded with this open letter exclaiming our support of the trans* community — and at the time, we were really just getting started. We didn’t have an established community of our own quite yet, which meant that our customer base wasn’t made up of quite the same open-minded, progressive demographic as it is today. We lost a lot of fans, which seems tough for a young startup, but realized quickly that it didn’t matter — this was in line with our very intersectional feminist values, and was authentic to us as a company.