This Eating Strategy Helped Me Finally Lose Nearly 90 Pounds and Keep It Off

After I started losing weight by eating better, I worked some cardio into my routine. At first, I hiked a half-mile outside, three times a week. I started small because working out is harder when you’re heavy. Then I joined a gym and used the elliptical. I’d occasionally use the treadmill, though running has never been my thing. Once I started getting into a routine, I began working out for an hour to 90 minutes, five to six days a week.

A year-and-a-half after setting out to lose weight, I hit 210 pounds all by myself!

Though I’d lost 90 pounds on my own, I really wanted to see 199 on the scale. I thought working with a trainer could help get me there. After training with him once a week for two months, I hit my lowest weight of 189 pounds.

When I was 300 pounds, all I wanted was to be skinny. But once I got to 185, I didn’t feel as happy as I thought I would. I felt really weak and frail.

So, I stopped working with a trainer, put a little bit of weight back on over the holidays, and started lifting.

Today, two years after setting out to lose weight, I weigh 215 pounds.