This Is Exactly How I Changed My Diet to Lose 80 Pounds

Even though I’d started exercising, I was still only eating once a day and counting calories like a crazy person. Since I was only losing about one pound a week, I began over-exercising and eating even less. That’s when I started looking for videos that answer questions about basic diet and nutrition information via Fitness Blender.

In one video, a trainer shared how she used to weigh herself and count calories daily. It really resonated with me. She said she learned that she just needed to nourish her body by eating whole, healthy foods, instead of being strict about how much she ate.

So I started eating breakfast, a snack like almonds, lunch, and dinner. That gradually increased until I was eating five to six small meals a day. Instead of pizza or processed foods, I eat lots of eggs, baked chicken, veggies, quinoa, and fruit. I also drink nothing but water. Once I changed my diet, I started losing about two pounds a week.