This Is How Many People Refuse to Poop at Work

RELATED: How to Poop Politely at Work, on Planes, and at a Guy’s Place

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According to the survey results, the scariest places to go number two included the office, a friend’s house, restrooms where there is only one stall (yep, that one really sucks), and restaurants or bars.


The anxiety is so intense that a third of adults in the U.S. actually refuse to poop at work unless they absolutely have to. In the U.K., 41 percent consider the office a no-poo zone except in cases of emergency. 

RELATED: Why You Get Stage Fright When You Use a Public Restroom

Although this was a super small survey, this is a pretty universal fear. The ensuing smells and sounds of excretion are unavoidable, and who really wants to clue the entire office into their personal pooping habits or the state of their digestive health, right?

Still, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Next time you’re hit with the urge after your cup of coffee at the morning meeting, remember, you’re not alone—everybody’s sh*t stinks.

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