Those Grieving Over Orlando Can Get Free Mental Health Services Thanks To This Insurance Company

“The helpline can be an easy, accessible way for people to reach out,” William Bonfield, chief medical officer of OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions, told The Huffington Post. “It can provide support, an opportunity to talk and help a person decide if mental health treatment may be helpful.”

The service may serve as somewhat of a financial reprieve. Affordability is one of the top reasons many people don’t seek professional treatment, according to a 2013 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The helpline could be a good gateway to more in-depth mental health services and a way to manage any feelings that arise in the aftermath of the tragedy.

Experts agree that clinical support is the best way to manage overwhelming grief and anxiety. If the events that unfolded in Orlando are beginning to interfere with your everyday life, mental health professionals recommend reaching out to helplines like Optum’s. You can also text message the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or check the International Association for Suicide Prevention for resources if you’re in distress.

“We tend to think these feelings are going to go away on their own,” psychologist Mary Alvord previously told HuffPost, pointing out that isn’t always the case.