Today I Love This Musical Place

Sunlight in the trees

Today I love this musical place in which I live. This morning as I sit writing this, the neighbourhood is ringing with birdsong embellished by the slow building tympany of passing cars, the distant rumble of downtown, and the quiet cymbal like hiss of the wind in the leaves. I love that a passing duck and a whistling cardinal seeming to call back and forth to each other were the first sounds I heard when I awoke. I love that the city is taking up the challenge and responding to all this natural music with a choir of cellos in the park at eleven thirty this morning which will be musical, and a show about social acceptance at one this afternoon, which I know will also be musical to some extent, ’cause I’m playing there with other friends. And then when all is quiet in the evening there will be music practice, because … music.

Today I love that I get so worked up over social media memes that assign the obligation of sharing and liking and commenting to prove your social conscience because it makes me realize that I care about the people who care so much they have to do those things. I love that people keep loving. I love that every now and then something comes along that makes me laugh and assures me that there are people who see past the like mining. I love also that there are people who are sharing things that are helpful in a more grassroots way, like my friend Jon Farmer’s event this afternoon, called Into The Open: Art Showcase And Performance, that tries to shine a light on the need for violence prevention. I love the things that Jon Farmer does.

Today I love this beautiful day of sweet smells and bright light. I love that the sun is shining through the leaves of the trees as if it has always been and always will be summer.I love that this just brings back all the memories of being a child and I find myself wanting to go to the pool, to the beach, to the ball diamond or the trails or for a bike ride … *sigh. I love that when I try to stop thinking of things like that my rebellious mind immediately said, “Okay, then can we go to the store and get Popsicles?”

Today I love coffee on the verandah in this soft summer like morning of a quiet Sunday suburban street with the perfect little breeze passing by and helping the trees do “jazz hands” at the bees as they gather the treasures of the garden.