Tucson offers unique form of hormone replacement therapy, SottoPelle

Dr. Frank Comstock, whose office is located at 6127 N. La Cholla, Suite 175, in Tucson, is now offering SottoPelle®, a unique form of hormone replacement therapy, developed by internationally recognized Gino Tutera M.D., F.A.C.O.G., as a solution for patients who struggle with hormone imbalance and well-being.

While other forms of hormone replacement therapy are less effective or rely on uncomfortable or inconvenient modalities such as patches, creams, pills, or injections that must be repeated on a daily or weekly basis, Dr. Frank Comstock is now certified in and offering SottoPelle® Therapy, a solution for men and women dealing with hormone imbalance by using all natural bio-identical pellets. Pellets are placed under the skin– which means far less hassle for the patient.Â