USDA reports virulent strain of avian flu in Kansas poultry

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed an infection of a virulent strain of avian flu in poultry in Kansas, the first case in a migratory bird route that runs through the center of the country.

The USDA identified the H5N2 flu strain in a backyard chicken and duck flock in Leavenworth County, Kansas, according to a statement issued on Friday. It is the first case in the Central flyway migratory route, which stretches north-south from Montana to Texas.

The same strain of the virus, which is deadly to poultry, has been found at commercial turkey farms in Minnesota, Missouri and Arkansas. They lie in a neighboring migratory route called the Mississippi flyway.

(Reporting by Tom Polansek; Editing by Alison Williams)