Viral print shows baby grabbing doctor’s finger while still in womb

When Alicia Atkins of Glendale, Ariz., was undergoing a slight C-section in October, something unusual happened.

Atkins’s baby lady – still inside her mother’s womb – reached adult and grabbed her OBGYN’s finger.  Realizing how special a impulse was, Dr. Allen Sawyer, who has also delivered Atkins’s other dual children, called to her father Randy to squeeze a camera.

In a separate second, he was means to constraint a special impulse only in time.

“I consider it’s an amazing, pleasing photo; it’s only a changed print during this point,” Atkins told

Atkins is indeed a veteran photographer herself and owns her possess business called A Classic Pin-Up Photography.  She common a conspicuous print on her business’ Facebook page a day after Christmas, and it has given left viral, carrying been common some-more than 2,000 times.  Atkins pronounced she did not design how renouned a print would become.

“It’s a small overwhelming, we never approaching it to go viral – generally worldwide,” Atkins said.  “We are so anxious over difference during how certain and beholden people are that we common it.”

Atkins and her father have named their new baby lady Neveah, that is ‘Heaven’ spelled backwards.  On her Facebook page, Atkins describes all of her kids as “miracle children.”

Meanwhile, a irony that her father used her camera to take a print is not mislaid on her.

“It was a small uncanny that my father took one of a many renouned photos on a site,” Atkins said.

Via: Health Medicine Network