What is ‘parent training’ for families of children with ADHD?

What is ‘parent training’ for families of children with ADHD?

What is ‘parent training’ for families of children with ADHD?

Parent training is an essential component of managing and supporting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a structured program designed to equip parents with the necessary skills and strategies to effectively manage their child’s ADHD symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

Why is parent training important?

Parent training plays a crucial role in helping families navigate the challenges associated with raising a child with ADHD. It provides parents with the knowledge and tools to understand their child’s condition better and implement effective strategies to promote positive behavior, improve communication, and enhance their child’s academic and social functioning.

What does parent training involve?

Parent training programs typically involve a series of sessions led by trained professionals, such as psychologists or behavioral therapists. These sessions aim to educate parents about ADHD, its symptoms, and its impact on their child’s daily life. Parents learn various evidence-based techniques and strategies to manage their child’s behavior, reduce impulsivity, improve attention span, and enhance self-control.

The training may cover topics such as:

  • Understanding ADHD and its impact on the child
  • Effective communication and positive parenting techniques
  • Establishing routines and setting clear expectations
  • Implementing behavior management strategies
  • Teaching organizational and time management skills
  • Collaborating with teachers and other professionals

Benefits of parent training

Participating in parent training programs can have numerous benefits for both parents and children with ADHD. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Improved parent-child relationship and family dynamics
  • Enhanced understanding of ADHD and its management
  • Reduced stress and frustration for parents
  • Increased confidence in handling challenging situations
  • Improved academic performance and social skills for the child
  • Decreased behavioral problems and impulsivity


Parent training is an invaluable resource for families of children with ADHD. It empowers parents with the knowledge and skills needed to support their child’s development, manage their symptoms, and create a positive and nurturing environment. By investing in parent training, families can significantly improve their overall well-being and enhance their child’s quality of life.