What It’s Like to Be Married to a Personal Trainer

It’s probably your dream to have a personal trainer at your beck and call. Imagine always having someone around who will coax you out of bed for a winter workout on even the coldest of days or who can correct your plank form in a pinch. For women married to person trainers, that fantasy becomes a reality—their long-term guy happens to be the exact same person they’d turn to for a full-body toning session.

But just like with any workout that’s really worth it, there are some tricky spots to get through when you’ve locked down forever with a guy who gets others in shape for a living. Sarah Dobbs, 29, a stay-at-home mom who previously worked in the fashion industry, has been married to a trainer for eight years. She opens up about what her relationship with her husband Kyle, 32, a fitness manager at Crunch in New York City, is like.


If you think living with someone whose life revolves around health would rub off on you, you’re right. Sarah was already living a healthy lifestyle before she and Kyle met at a bar near Missouri State University in April 2006, but he’s helped kick that into high gear. “I’ve always been active, but being with Kyle has motivated me to get in the gym more and take care of myself,” says Sarah. Sure, sometimes Sarah feels like relaxing rather than hitting the gym—but when she can’t find the push in herself, she finds it in Kyle. “Especially after I had kids, I sometimes had days where I was like, ‘I just had a baby, this is a lot to do!’ But I always feel better every time I get in the gym because it’s stress relief. It helps that when you live with anyone who’s healthy, it makes you want to be healthy, too,” says Sarah.

Do trainers really sound like those motivational posters in a high school guidance counselor’s office when they’re not on the job? Yes, and it’s awesome. “Kyle’s motto is, ‘It takes teamwork to make the dream work,’” says Sarah. “Our boys love that one. [Sarah and Kyle have two sons: one who’s 17 months, and one who’s 3.] He also always says, ‘It’s not for everyone,’ which is motivating in a different way. He means that you want to have to be healthy for yourself, and no one else can make you do that.”

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We know what you’re thinking: Isn’t it ever weird knowing your husband has to keep a close eye on—and sometimes touch—other women? But Sarah says it’s not. “When he first started, we’d been together about a year and a half,” she says. “Knowing him and trusting him, I don’t ever feel threatened by it. It’s almost like going to see a doctor because the relationship is completely from a professional standpoint.” It’s like any guy at any job: He’s either the type to hit on his coworkers, or he’s not.

Think about when most people book sessions with their trainer: early mornings, right? Now imagine being the one who has to be there waiting for the clients when they show up at the crack of dawn. “Sometimes he has to wake up between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m., which can be hard,” says Sarah. “Now that he’s a fitness manager, his schedule is a little more flexible, and he can be here for breakfast two to three times a week. But lots of trainers have very early clients.” Since trainers have to accommodate people who want to get in a sweat session after work, too, most of them have long hours. “Any given day, Kyle’s at the gym anywhere between nine to 12 hours,” says Sarah.

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The typical holiday schedule doesn’t usually apply to trainers. “Presidents’ Day, for example, a lot of people have off and want to spend at the gym,” says Sarah. For major holidays like Christmas, they’re usually in the clear. But other times, it’s all about maximizing clients’ days off, which means trainers have to rise and grind when their partners may be off work. “In other jobs, you’d think, ‘This is great—I’m going to get these vacation days,’ when actually it can be a much busier time for trainers,” says Sarah. 

Healthy living comes with the package when you’re with a trainer (although Sarah says sometimes opposites attract, she thinks it’s just easier if someone who’s with a trainer is into being active and eating well). But do trainers ever splurge? “I would say I’m probably a little healthier of an eater than he is,” says Sarah. “Kyle’s thing is that he’s a sweets person. He has treats every now and then, but he works really hard, too.” As trainer worth his or her salt will tell you, moderation is key to getting fit while still enjoying what life has to offer.

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