What To Do If Your Retin-A Beauty Products Turn Your Skin Bright Red

Here’s everything you need to know about adult acne:

When you’re finished, mix a solution of equal parts organic vegetable glycerin and water and apply the tonic to your face (this draws calming moisture into the skin). Seal this with organic coconut oil (we love this Cocovit raw coconut oil from the Women’s Health Boutique). “Make sure it is cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, because the refining process removes a lot of the beneficial compounds,” says Zirwas. Repeat the process two or three times a day until swelling subsides.

RELATED: Could You Have Rosacea—Or Is Your Skin Just Red?

If the pain and/or inflammation is severe, affects your whole body, lasts longer than two weeks, or is accompanied at any point by other signs and symptoms—extreme tiredness, weight loss, changes in bowel habits or urinary frequency, or fever—see a doctor, as it could be a more serious condition.

This article originally appeared in the June 2017 issue of Women’s Health. For more great advice, pick up a copy of the issue on newsstands now!