What’s the difference between ChatGPT and Elicit AI capabilities in Medical Research

What’s the difference between ChatGPT and Elicit AI capabilities in Medical Research

Battle of the AIs in Medical Research: ChatGPT vs Elicit

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and the field of medical research is no exception. Two prominent AI models, ChatGPT and Elicit, have emerged as powerful tools in medical research. Let’s explore how these AIs are making an impact and compare their capabilities.


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a language model that uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like text responses. It has been trained on a vast amount of internet text, making it capable of understanding and generating coherent responses to a wide range of queries.

In medical research, ChatGPT can assist researchers by providing quick access to relevant information. It can answer questions related to medical literature, drug interactions, treatment options, and more. Researchers can leverage ChatGPT to save time and gain insights into complex medical topics.


Elicit, on the other hand, is an AI model developed by OpenAI specifically for medical research. It has been trained on a curated dataset of medical literature, clinical trials, and patient records. This specialized training enables Elicit to have a deeper understanding of medical concepts and terminology.

Elicit can assist researchers in various ways. It can help in literature review by summarizing research papers, identifying key findings, and highlighting relevant references. It can also analyze patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and assist in personalized medicine.


While both ChatGPT and Elicit are powerful AI models, they have distinct differences in their capabilities and applications.

ChatGPT, with its broader training on internet text, can provide more general information and answer a wide range of medical queries. It is useful for quick information retrieval and gaining a general understanding of medical topics.

Elicit, on the other hand, with its specialized training on medical literature and patient records, is more focused on medical research. It can provide more accurate and specific information related to medical studies, clinical trials, and patient data analysis.

Researchers can choose between ChatGPT and Elicit based on their specific needs. If they require quick information or have general medical queries, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool. However, for in-depth medical research, literature review, and patient data analysis, Elicit offers a more specialized and comprehensive solution.


The battle of the AIs in medical research, ChatGPT vs Elicit, showcases the power of AI in advancing healthcare. Both models have their strengths and applications, and researchers can benefit from leveraging these AI tools to enhance their medical research endeavors.