Why It’s OK to Eat Frozen Dinners Sometimes

Don’t be ashamed of those Lean Cuisines buried in the back of your freezer. People who eat frozen meals over fast food tend to have healthier diets overall, a new study involving Center for Disease Control and Prevention data reveals.

The researchers—who, in the interest of full disclosure, were supported by Nestlé—analyzed data from the CDC’s 2003-2010 What We Eat in America survey. Their findings fly in the face of everything you probably think you know about the frozen-food aisle: People who consumed frozen meals consumed higher-quality calories—and fewer calories overall—than those who relied on fast-food meals.

Specifically, the frozen-food fans took in 253 fewer calories per day than the fast-food eaters and ate 17 percent more veggies, 89 percent more greens and beans, and 61 percent more whole grains. These healthy foods seemed to crowd out less sensible choices, as frozen-food consumers ate 32 percent fewer “empty” calories and 22 percent less refined grains than those who favored the drive-thru.

Is it simply because fast food is that bad—that eating anything is better than grabbing a burger and fries on the go? The study authors haven’t yet explored the reasons for the frozen food/healthy diet link, but one thing is clear: You can occasionally stray from eating 100 percent fresh foods and still meet dietary recommendations. We call that a win.

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