Why the Heck Won’t Your Sinus Infection Go Away?

Months? Yikes.

So what’s the deal? Most sinus infections start as a viral upper respiratory infection. And some of us are more prone to getting them than others, making sinus issues more frequent and harder to treat. Who’s most at risk: those with allergies that cause nasal swelling, a deviated septum, or an underlying weak immune system.

To keep yourself protected, make sure you’re washing your hands a ton and always covering your mouth when you cough to avoid the germs that cause these viral infections—because the bad news is, they can’t be treated with antibiotics like a bacterial infection can.

When it comes to treatment that does work, it’s all about getting lots of rest and staying hydrated. “If the symptoms are not improving on their own, then you should see a doctor right away to look for signs of a bacterial infection,” says Raithatha. Most of the time, symptoms should improve with self care, but your doc can prescribe a decongestant, antihistamine, saline nasal spray, or nasal steroid to help deal if at-home measures aren’t working.

The bottom line: If you feel some sinus issues coming on, baby yourself with lots of rest and fluids from the get-go to help prevent a season-long infection.