Why we MUST stop bashing mums who choose the bottle by DR ELLIE CANNON

  • Dr Ellie Cannon has written a manual to help new mothers
  • She insists that breastfeeding is not always the best option for all
  • When she wrote this in an 2012 article, she was attacked online

Dr Ellie Cannon

17:00 EST, 1 March 2014


17:00 EST, 1 March 2014

The exhausted, teary new mother in my North London surgery was in bits. It was her six-week check and the 32-year-old lawyer, who’d had  a textbook-perfect pregnancy and birth, was utterly wrung out.

Of course, this is fairly normal. But things started to unravel when  I asked her a routine question about her daughter’s appetite. There was  a pause, and her eyes welled up.  ‘I’m sorry, Dr Cannon, I’m not breastfeeding,’ she blurted, dissolving into tears.

I gave her a smile and reassured her there was nothing whatsoever  to feel guilty about. Especially as she’d found trying – and she did try – a painful, miserable and ultimately unproductive experience. Her baby was bursting with ruddy health, but mother was racked with guilt.

Defending mothers: Dr Ellie Cannon has written a manual to help new mothers, and to assure them that breastfeeding is not always the way to go

She left buoyed by my insistence that formula milk was giving her daughter perfectly good nutrition – but I was internally fuming. Mainly because I have appointments like this all the time.

Why do these intelligent mothers feel obliged to apologise? It is so unjust. Just as breastfeeding mums shouldn’t have to apologise for feeding in public, bottle-feeding mothers should not feel they ever need to hide away, like second-class citizens.

But sadly, the medically justified promotion of breastfeeding as a healthy option has become skewed and misinterpreted, to the point where mothers who don’t are admonished, pilloried and even penalised.

For instance, you don’t get supermarket loyalty points on formula milk as EU law prohibits the ‘promotion’ of bottle-feeding. This doesn’t support breastfeeding mothers, it only victimises those who can’t. You can incidentally get loyalty points on processed food that could make your children obese.

Parents are now banned from taking bottles into many post-natal wards in another misguided bid to promote breastfeeding: a dad I know recently described how, like a criminal, he crept into the ward at night to visit his wife with a contraband bottle to feed their newborn. On their first day as parents, they were made to feel like criminals.

I recognise breastfeeding rates in Britain are not high and could be better but this is not the way to improve things. And if it is a woman’s choice not to breastfeed, once presented with the facts, surely these types of measures are simply pejorative.

Lactivists: When Dr Ellie wrote that breastfeeding a child until school age is probably more about the emotional needs of the mother, the reaction was extreme and she called a ‘dumb bitch’ told she needed ‘a kicking’

The pro-breastfeeding lobby, which I completely support in general, seems to be increasingly populated by women who feel ALL mothers should breastfeed, and that anyone who doesn’t is not trying hard enough, and letting the side down.

I have felt the wrath of these zealots – not when I had my own two children, Lottie, ten, and Jude, six (who, incidentally, I breastfed) – but when I wrote about a related subject in this newspaper in 2012. At the time, I was reacting to an infamous Time Magazine cover that featured a beautiful woman breastfeeding her three-year-old – and the article inside about Dr Bill Sears, the American ‘attachment parenting’ guru who believes parents and children should sleep in the same bed, babies should be constantly carried in slings and mothers should breastfeed until the child wants to stop.

I simply pointed out that there is little or no evidence that there is any health benefit from these practices. I also noted that breastfeeding a child until school age – which isn’t the norm in the Western world – is probably more about the emotional needs of the mother, not the child.


I am a Cambridge-educated doctor who trusts science. I don’t believe in ghosts or cellulite cream, and I am sceptical about stick-thin women who claim they eat chips. But I do believe in maternal instinct.

Scientists can’t quantify it. But it is present deep inside every mother. There are so many rules of parenting, most of them drivel. There aren’t always exact answers. You have the instinct to bring up your baby – all you need to do is trust it.

This is why my new guide, Keep Calm: The New Mum’s Manual, out next week, isn’t about babies. It’s about how you can learn to be a confident, happy mother.

When I became a mother aged 26, I’d gone to antenatal classes and read all the books. But, shockingly for me, when Lottie arrived I lost my self-belief. I was confused and exhausted. My baby didn’t follow by-the-book routines. I stressed about the silliest things – half  an ounce of milk left in the bottle… what damage I may have done by giving her pear, not apple as her first fruit… was she overweight?

Working in general practice, I found a huge number of mothers felt the same. So I made it  my mission to tell them to trust themselves. Keep calm, and listen to the baby expert: YOU. This extends to dads too.

With second children, it’s easier, as parents  have experience. I want  to give new mums the confidence from day one that they will do a fantastic job. If you have this attitude, you will.

The reaction from ‘The Breastapo’, as they are nicknamed, was extreme. A Facebook page was set up in protest, and if you Google the topic you can still see the letter they wrote to the General Medical Council (GMC) demanding I be struck off. On pro-breastfeeding blog ‘Lactivist’, I was called a ‘dumb bitch’. Another poster said I needed ‘a kicking’. It shook me. One post suggested that women who chose a career over motherhood were suffering a personality disorder. Most of them claimed I was completely misinformed.

In the GMC letter – which the regulatory body quite rightly dismissed – the writer claimed I gave no consideration ‘to the additional health benefits for mothers who breastfeed for longer than 12 months. These include reduced rates of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease as well as breast cancer’. But these studies are either small and fairly inconclusive, or do not show the reverse – that bottle-feeding mothers are more likely to suffer these diseases.

Half-truths peddled by pressure groups only go to further the idea that women who aren’t breastfeeding are somehow not giving their children the best start in life.

Taking all other factors out of the equation (ie the mother), and simply looking at it as breast milk versus formula milk, we know breastfeeding is the optimal way to feed a  baby. That’s why I fully support women who choose to do so.

Breastfed babies have fewer allergies, tummy infections and ear infections. But other claims about breastfeeding are hugely overplayed: for example, breastfed babies are not superior intellectually, nor closer to their mothers, and they are not guaranteed to be happier. And a mother’s wellbeing has to come into the equation.

This is what a GP does – I don’t just dictate two-dimensional guidelines, I look holistically at the patient.  If breastfeeding isn’t working for them, then we can’t say it’s best.

‘Stick with it,’ the Breastapo cry. What, even if your baby is constantly underfed and cranky, and you are in pain, dejected and slipping into post-natal depression? No, no, no!

Of course breastfeeding is natural and our bodies are designed for  it, but bodies don’t always work to the grand evolutionary plan. Many women feel they don’t make enough milk, or it dries up, or it’s just uncomfortable. I am fed up with women being told they’re wrong about their own bodies and they have to persist as that is the natural way.

If women don’t want or like to breastfeed, I really don’t think anyone has a right to ignore that; 100 years ago, there were wet nurses. Now we have other options.

Insisting that all women are able to feed if they really want to leads to failure-feelings and unnecessary guilt. A woman should be allowed to read the health advice about breastfeeding and decide for herself.

The obsession with breastfeeding as a measure of superiority or ability is damaging. The breastfeeding lobby gives the appearance of being hugely empowered feminists, but they are fuelling the subjugation and judgment of their sisters.

Medically, my opinion is not at all controversial. If breastfeeding is making someone miserable or ill, that clearly outweighs the advantages.

It’s a balancing act. Let’s be sensible. In an ideal world, we’d all breastfeed. But we don’t live in a textbook world. And no mother should be feeling guilty about that.

Don’t panic, Mum! Other top tips from Dr Ellie’s manual

Get used to it: The first weeks of your child’s life will see a lot of late sleepless nights


In the first five or six weeks of your baby’s life, but possibly even the first three months, sleepless nights are a fact of life and, quite frankly, you just have to accept that. I’m not in the business of making false promises  and that’s the harsh reality.

Babies are not born knowing the difference between night and day,  and they need feeding every two to three hours.

Being pragmatic about sleeplessness and learning to cope with short-term tiredness means you will keep calm and enjoy your baby. Remember, this is not for ever.

Of course, there will be some  smug mummy in your antenatal group with a robot baby who sleeps for eight-hour stretches. Well, I promise, she is the anomaly, not you.

Sleep-deprivation is like being run over by a truck. You’ll feel anxious, stressed, nauseous. Many women become convinced they’re seriously ill. It’s a big strain on you and your other half – and you have got to come up with some strategies to handle it.

  • Work in shift if there is another  adult around: you don’t both need to be up with your baby.
  • Do not watch your baby sleep  (I have spent years doing this). It may be cute, but it is a waste of precious sleeping time.
  • Grab sleep when you can – even  30 minutes is worth it. Don’t go  crazy with coffee to keep yourself awake because this will make you too wired to nap.
  • Don’t compare your baby to others – sleeping is not a competitive sport.
  • Remember, this will probably be for a few weeks, and things will get better.


Routine is another word like perineum, dilate, and poo that you never use before you are pregnant, and then once the baby pops out,  it feels as if you say it all the time.

The big question every mum wants to know is, do you need a routine for your baby?

The answer is, there are no rules. Routine means sticking to the same times each day for feeds, sleeps and activities. Like any timetable, it  gives you some way to help you plan.

But some people don’t want rigid structure and a lot of women feel the routine ends up controlling them, which is not good. For them, feeding on demand might be preferable to a set schedule.

One of the biggest parenting secrets is that the majority of babies have their own pattern and fall into it naturally. You can simply follow that lead. Be careful not to follow someone else’s timetable as it stops you watching and learning from your own baby. If he or she always has a long sleep in the morning, follow that lead and put them down at that time.

Both my kids were evening sleepers. After six weeks with my  first child, I was so confident of her routine that I got a babysitter (my dad) one evening so I could go out. Don’t be envious – I went to Tesco.

Use a diary to work out sleep patterns and gradually you will have worked out your own unique baby routine. And while I would never tell a parent whether or not to put their baby into a routine, I would always suggest being consistent.

Babies like predictability – just as we adults do – and respond well to it.


Now that you’ve given birth, not many people are going to be interested in how you feel.

Sorry if that sounds callous; it’s simply reality. It’s not that nobody cares about you any more, it’s simply that your 9?lb red-faced bundle is right now far more fascinating than you. Even your own mother will phone and not ask how you are.

From now on, all anyone will talk to you about is THE BABY.

But once you give birth, who you are changes massively – so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you may not be feeling as ‘normal’ as you were. Except it does come as a big surprise.

This isn’t about saggy boobs and stretchmarks, although these are a  big part of the transformation.  People see you differently, you see yourself differently, and you are treated differently.

Antenatal classes might have got you up to speed with which breast pad is best, but you’ve probably not really contemplated that you might be crying every day for two weeks. In the first ten days, your mood will be all over the place.

This isn’t post-natal depression, it’s just fairly typical. And for most women (I think dads feel it too, but often don’t admit it), it passes pretty quickly.

Boredom is another normal state of mind. Feeling cheesed off, harking back to pre-baby times or wishing  you were still at work does not make you a bad mother. If you feel weepy, guilty, or that you can’t cope, are uninterested in your baby, miserable and feel unable to concentrate for more than two weeks, then tell you partner and see your GP together.

If you do have post-natal depression, your baby will not be taken away.  It does not mean you are a bad mother. You will not necessarily have to take antidepressants, and no one will judge you. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can start getting better.

Keep Calm: The New Mum’s Manual, by Dr Ellie Cannon, is published on March 6 by Vermilion, £10.99. To order your copy at the special price of £8.99 with free pp, call the Mail Book Shop on 0844 472 4157 or go to mailbookshop.co.uk.

Comments (39)

what you think

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

born blonde,

wales, United Kingdom,

3 hours ago

I didn’t breastfeed either of my two children. It was my choice not to….. many new mums were bullied into breastfeeding. ….. I wasn’t going to be bullied. Both are happy healthy adults! Oh …and we bonded perfectly well. …


liverpool uk,

3 hours ago

I did not like the thought of breast feeding so I bottle fed. My daughter is fit and healthy and is in the process of a PhD. So bottle feeding did her no harm. No one has the right to dictate people should focus on their own lives not other peoples.

Silage Pitt,


3 hours ago

This woman is a breath of fresh air!!! What a brilliant article!



3 hours ago

A very balanced and sensible article!


Liverpool, United Kingdom,

3 hours ago

Whilst I agree with most of this, I’m a bit disappointed that she vilifies mothers with ‘robot babies’ who sleep through. Some of us do have good sleepers, there is nothing wrong with us, we are all parents trying to get by.
And why does it matter that the woman on the front cover of Time magazine was ‘beautiful’? What does that have to do with extended breastfeeding? It’s a small thing but it got me mad!!


Blackburn, United Kingdom,

4 hours ago

As a parent im sick of any of it being shoved down our throats. People should do as they please and just be happy. I breast fed my son and got fed up of the dirty looks off people for it the whispered comments and then when he was 4months I had to put him on the bottle as he was allergic to milk and yet again you get dirty looks whispering and comments because you bottle feed. Seriously does it matter if mum n baby are happy. People really should butt out as tho parents aren’t under enough stress!



4 hours ago

A happy mother makes a happy baby. I struggled with breast feeding and a very small 5lb baby and was made to feel like a loser by midwives and fellow mums for swapping to a bottle when it just wasn’t working. Next time I’ll try again but if it’s not working out I know that a bottle is fine as I’ve got a strapping 5 year old who’s testament that that very fact!


Manchester, United Kingdom,

4 hours ago

Based on my experience (as a dad) over the past 18 months, al of this is very sensible advice. As one healthcare worker said to us, “no-one gets reported to social services for feeding their baby from a bottle.”

Keep your baby happy. Everything else is redundant.


Galway, Ireland,

4 hours ago

I think shes spot on! Very encouraging article. The truth is some mothers can not physically breast-feed and others choose not to, but its not up to those who do breast-feed to judge. Each mother and baby are different and as long as both are happy and healthy, bottle feeding is just as good now as breast-feeding.



4 hours ago

Finally, some one who speaks common – so refreshing!

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