Women with This Kind of Upper Lip Are More Likely to Have Amazing Orgasms

For some of us, straight up P in V action is never going to make the magical gong atop mount orgasm ring. And there are the lucky bunch whose toes curl like whoa with just the right amount of fuss-free foreplay. 

But a study from the Journal of Sexual medicine might change everything you thought you knew about your orgasm.

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Here’s what researchers found: Directly below your nose is that funny little soup strainer known as the philtrum. It’s like the toll-free bridge connecting your nose to your upper lip. Directly beneath the bottom of your philtrum, in the center of your top lip, is a small puffy bit of lip that has a name (because science needs to be doing something while they are waiting to cure the common cold). That’s your tubercle. Say hello. 

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No really, go check it out in a mirror. Poke it a little. Apply a gloss and pout. Take some selfies. Why? 

This study found that women with bigger tubercles were more likely to have a vaginal orgasm than women with less prominent tubercles. 

It might sounds strange, but is it really all that weird? For hundreds of years we have drawn a correlation between the lips on our faces and the lips between our legs. A huge part of why we started painting our lips was to remind men of what our labias looked like when they’re all inflamed and sh*t.

There’s your new ad copy, Kylie Jenner. 

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The study was small, with less than 1000 subjects surveyed, but it’s only the beginning. Researchers have yet to understand the connection between face lips and orgasms, but we’re sure they’re on the case.