
Editor’s picks: Top cybersecurity articles of 2020

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CISO strategies reflect rising zero-trust trend

Every security team faced unique challenges this year, depending on factors such as the organization’s size, industry, IT budget and more. Broadly speaking, however, many security leaders have certain — and persistent — obstacles in common. In this top cybersecurity article of 2020, security leaders and CISOs discussed their biggest challenges, including ransomware, politics and zero trust.

While the guilty-until-proven-innocent zero-trust philosophy has taken off, it’s easier said than done. In practice, rolling out a zero-trust security model requires far more resources than traditional perimeter-based security models. In this article, read a firsthand account of zero-trust implementation from pros who detail their experiences with business interruptions, vendor offerings and more.

Many security leaders view PCI DSS as an outdated framework for protecting payment card transactions. PCI DSS compliance continues to decline as some larger organizations would sooner pay noncompliance penalties than overhaul their entire security program. Learn more about the future of the standard and why some CISOs view zero trust as a PCI DSS alternative.