
Establishing a CCoE can secure your cloud cost savings

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2. Measure, track and attribute cloud spending to the right parties

IT departments not measuring, tracking and attributing cloud spending to the right parties should start doing so right away. Because engineers and developers utilizing the cloud don’t often see the cloud invoices, the enterprise needs to ensure internal alignment of chargeback; people who have access to the cloud need to have responsibility over the corresponding spending.

Charges should go to those who have control over the spending, so the business can validate cloud-invoiced costs and determine to whom the costs should be internally charged. Finance doesn’t necessarily have visibility into how much is being spent and Enterprises require a monitoring and measurement offering to track utilization and spending, as well as to identify who is spending or using the cloud resources. With proper utilization documented, the infrastructure environment can then be right-sized. This includes turning off server instances that are not being used, resizing the infrastructure to increase the compute utilization and changing the storage allocation, which typically saves 20% to 30% of the unmeasured infrastructure run rate.

If the enterprise is using hyperscale cloud providers, such as AWS, Google or Microsoft, finding and interpreting the utilization data can be difficult for those with less experience, and purchasing a cloud management-level service from the cloud service provider may be in order. Alternatively, the enterprise should use third-party cloud optimization software, such as Densify or CloudHealth, for utilization and cost analysis to optimize the cloud environment.