
How to create a successful executive presentation

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What questions should an executive presentation answer?

As said earlier, C-levels are very busy and have no time to waste, so give them a good reason to be there. Here are several.

Why are you there?

You have demanded the time of a CEO, CFO, CMO, etc., so there better be a good reason for it. Be upfront, direct and to the point about your purpose. This is no time to be wishy-washy.

Example: I am here today to give you an update on the X project, which is in danger of going off the rails.

What is the significance of what you’re saying?

Executives want to make a decision based on information and data. Give it to them with authority. Who are you to present this information to them? Let them know.

Example: I’ve seen about two dozen projects like this go down in flames because of X, Y and Z.

What is the update or what is the proposal?

This is where you get to the meat of the topic. Up to now, you provided context — the why of the issue. Now, it’s time to provide the what. Here is the news, now what do we do about it?

Example: The X project is hemorrhaging money. If we don’t act now, this project will cost us Y amount of dollars This is where you tell the executives the next steps to take, within reason. They must make a decision and may have a different perspective and priorities than you. What you might consider urgent they may find immaterial.

Example: Here are some options we have to get this project back on track.