10 Sober Date Night Ideas

5. Comedy show
Is there anything better in life than a good belly laugh? This is one of my favorite things to do with my significant other, or with a group of friends. Comedy shows are sometimes held at bars, so just beware there might be alcohol. But that doesn’t mean you have to drink! Look up your local comics and see when their shows are, get tickets, and get ready to laugh your a*s off.

6. Sporting event
I already suggested bowling and ice skating, but if participating in sports isn’t really your thing, you could always go watch a sporting event. Whether it’s your local baseball or basketball team, or an NFL or NHL game, sporting events give you the exciting experience of being a spectator. This sober date idea isn’t limited to just professional sports. You could go to a surfing competition, a golf tournament, or a skating boarding competition. Last year my fiancĂ© and I traveled to Canada to see the Women’s World Cup and it was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on.