I Stole My Dog’s Xanax (aka Finding Inner Peace in Donald Trump’s World)

6. Take Action. Taking action is a very important part of maintaining inner peace. The bedrock of our democracy is that all Americans deserve equality, safety, acceptance and a voice. The one good thing about this election is that it woke people up. The government works for us, the people. We need to stay engaged not only to ensure our government does what it is supposed to and doesn’t derail any further, but also to protect the civil liberties of all people. That not only means putting your senators and representatives on speed dial, but it means working on a local level. Go to community meetings, join the school board, stay invested and informed in what your state government is doing. Taking action also means standing up for others when you see them being discriminated against. And it means donating to causes that are going to lead the way with protecting our civil liberties, safeguarding the earth against climate change, and making sure the Constitution remains the supreme law of the land.