3 Reasons Why Being Dedicated To Your Personal Growth Is So Important

I frequently hear people say, “I know I want to help the world in some way, but I don’t really know what to do. I should be in Africa helping people or something.” First of all, if you were supposed to be in Africa right now then you would be. You are where you are supposed to be at this moment. Maybe someday you will be in Africa or somewhere else helping others, but right now, there is something extremely important that you must hear: “Your growth is your service.” What does that mean? It means that every single time you choose to love, heal, shift, evolve, and allow your own authenticity to lead the way, you are supporting the whole of the planet in more profound ways than you could ever imagine. When you decide to commit to healing the core of your being, and growing and expanding into the light that your soul wants you to be, then you shift not only the energy in your own life dramatically for the better, but you also raise the vibrational frequency of the entire planet. Therefore, when you work on yourself, not only do you personally enjoy a better life, but you are serving everyone and everything in the process.