90 Percent of Us Suffer from ‘Low Battery Anxiety’

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“Low battery anxiety” may not be a full-blown medical disorder, but according to a new survey from LG, 90 percent of us are dealing with it daily.

The electronics giant surveyed thousands of people across the country and found that most of us not only experience major stress when our battery dips below 20 percent, we experience some pretty ridiculous “symptoms.”

low battery anxietyPhotograph courtesy of LG

Among the coping mechanisms shared by the survey participants were behaviors like asking a total stranger for their charger, getting in a fight with your partner over unanswered texts, buying yourself a drink just so you can use an outlet at the bar, secretly “borrowing” someone else’s charger, and owning multiple charging cables (stuffed in every bag you have, no doubt) so you’re never caught chargerless in a pinch.

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But other than being annoying AF, low battery anxiety can actually be bad for you, it turns out. The survey found that when faced with going to the gym or parking it at home to charge their phone, 42 percent of millennials will skip their sweat session. Not cool.

Consider this your official prescription for a portable charger.