Easily Overwhelmed

girl on swing

I am really great at a lot of things. Not bragging. I bet you are too. I make great cupcakes. I have a way with dogs. I’d like to think I do a pretty good job with my makeup. Unsure? See me skin bare. J

One thing I am NOT good at is handling situations with a lot of stimulation. It can be noise, light, people, a large number of something. Today I went shopping with my mom and grandma which was great because now that I have left North Carolina I don’t get to spend so much time with them, not much at all.

I handled the first few stores okay, but then it started to get a bit hairy when we went into a crowded shop that was going out of business. I had to sit down and try to focus on being somewhere else (visualization). Plus, it was a hot day here in Southern North Carolina, humid and such. I get even more uncomfortable when I am hot.

Next we went to the commissary on base (a HUGE military grocery store). Now, even on a good day I can barely handle the commissary. But today was the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend so there were few million (exaggeration) more people bumping into each other in the aisles.

I really, really did not feel well.

We came home and had an impromptu dinner with my brother and his wife. Lots of talking. Lots of talking over people. Loud.

So for someone with anxiety disorder, today was a doozy. To be honest, I am going to have to pull all my tricks out of the bag to handle the get together of family (around 20) on Sunday. I really, truly don’t know how I will get through it. But I will. And you will get through your “commissary.” You just have to keep breathing. Take breaks. Be still. The anxiety will pass. You just have to let it.