Here’s What You Could Get Instead Of Racking Up Impulse Buys At Target

We all know the feeling: You go to Target with plans to buy a massive pack of TP and a 40-ounce bottle of shampoo, and end up leaving with quirky new throw pillows, buy-one-get-one-free popcorn, and a gazillion things from the Dollar Spot that are so cheap they were practically free. Only Target can make blowing a ton of money on crap you don’t need feel so freaking good.

According to a report by pricing data and optimization company Perfect Price, the average American spends $62 each time they go to Target, which isn’t exactly pocket change. Since a study of Commerce Department data by the Wall Street Journal found that 11.2 percent of total consumer spending is typically on non-essentials, that means you’re most likely blowing at least $7 on junk every time you hit up the super store. (Torch fat, and look and feel great with Women’s Health’s All in 18 DVD!)

While $7 seems like no biggie, if you hit the store weekly, that’s $364 you’re flat-out blowing on stuff you don’t need. (And really—that estimation seems low given that a $15 fuzzy blanket just happened to fall into your cart the last time you shopped there.)

Here’s what else you could be buying with all that cash: