This Unbelievable Anti-Abortion Bill Is One Scary Step Closer to Being a Law

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Fallin has already signed a series of anti-abortion bills, which means things don’t look good for women in Oklahoma right now.

The author of the bill, Sen. Nathan Damn, told The Oklahoman that he knows the bill will probably be challenged in court. But…he doesn’t really seem to care. “Most people know I am for defending rights,” he said. “Those rights begin at conception.”

The bill wouldn’t just make it a felony to perform an abortion—it would also take a doctor’s medical license away. There is one exception: Abortions will be allowed when necessary to save a woman’s life, but that can sometimes be difficult to prove. And, if doctors are worried about losing their medical licenses, plenty of women’s lives could be put in danger.

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A spokesperson for Fallin tells CNN that the governor hasn’t decided whether or not she will sign the bill. She only has five business days to make up her mind, and if she doesn’t sign or veto it, it automatically becomes law.

But there’s hope: Oklahoma has passed anti-abortion laws nearly every year for the last five years, but many of them have been deemed unconstitutional and haven’t gone into effect.