A Very Large Percentage of Women Groom Their Pubic Hair Before Gyno Visits

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Another interesting tidbit from the survey: The researchers also found that about 60 percent of respondents prefer to go totally bare down there, and more than half of them say they do so for hygiene reasons. But we suspect there’s a larger cultural influence at play, too.

Experts have said that our obsession with youth contributes to the pressure women feel to stay smooth. Sadly, body hair on women often invites ridicule for being unfeminine or unkempt.

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But if you’re worried about your doc’s judgment, let that ish go: Gynos don’t give a hoot what your hoo-ha looks like. In fact, pubic hair provides protection from bacteria and abrasion, so some medical pros are probably happy to see it.

RELATED: The Best Ways to Keep Your Pubic Hair in Check

The bottom line: To each her own, but if you are going to groom your genitals, do it smartly and safely with these expert-approved hair removal tips.