Break Your Resolutions

You heard me.

Break those resolutions.

They’re not doing you any good.


Resolutions inevitably set you up for failure.

Think about it: Resolutions are usually created around something you have difficulty with, anyway, like exercising more or eating less. When you create a resolution, you take something that is already hard for you to do and pile on more expectations and more weight (so to speak) on the outcome.

Now what happens if you’re not able to keep your resolution?

You really suck.

In actuality, you don’t suck at all, but resolutions can make you think you do.

Guess what percentage of people who make resolutions actually achieve them?

Go ahead and guess. I’ll wait.

Ready for the answer?

8%. That’s eight percent, not a typo that’s supposed to be 80%. That means 92% fail at completely accomplishing our resolutions.

Break It Down

If you absolutely, positively have to create a resolution, at least do it in the best way possible.

Did you know that the origin of the word resolution is this?

Early 15c., “a breaking into parts,” from L. resolutionem (nom. resolutio) “process of reducing things into simpler forms”.

So, resolution actually means to break things down to make them simpler. The definition of resolution meaning “to hold firmly” didn’t appear until more than a hundred years later.

Rather than saying, “My resolution is to go to the gym more,” create something more specific, measurable, and smaller. Say, “I would like to go to the gym two times per week for the first 3 months and then bump it up to three times per week for the next 3 months.”

Instead of saying, “I’m going to cut out all carbs from my diet,” say, “I’m going to eat only 45 grams of carbs three days per week for one month.”

Reduce your breaking into parts to its simplest form.

The Healthiest Way to Enter the New Year

Instead of a New Year’s resolution, why not set an intention for the new year?

An intention is about having an aim, a direction, a purpose – it’s not about a fixed goal. It can serve the same function as a goal, that is it can get you moving in a new direction.

But holding an intention is not as do-or-die as a resolution. The resolution says “do this or else” while the intention says “let’s follow this path to something that is good for us.”

For example, your resolution to get more exercise may be turned into an intention by saying, “I intend to focus on my health this year.”

Your resolution to lose weight may also fit within the intention of being healthier.

Of course, health is not the only intention available to us.

Perhaps you intend to create more social connections or be more financially stable or pursue more peace and joy.

Once you have set an intention and keep it firmly in your mind, then it’s time to develop steps and goals that fit within the framework of your intention.


Take some time now to set an intention for the coming year. I intend to create useful, helpful, inspirational information for you that will assist you in bouncing back in life.

What do you intend?


Is your intention to bounce back in life? Download my FREE ebook, Bounce Back! 5 keys to survive and thrive through life’s ups and downs.


Helpful articles and sources for this post:

New Year’s Resolution Statistics

Just 8% of People Achieve Their New Year’s Resolutions. Here’s How They Did It.



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 30 Dec 2013