Do You Have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Answer These 5 Questions to Find Out

This article was written by JJ Virgin and provided by our partners at Prevention.

Earlier this month, a friend of mine barely avoided a nasty fall when she passed out during a hiking trip. Her diagnosis? B12 deficiency. Once she learned the symptoms, she realized it had been progressing for months unnoticed, and her experience isn’t rare. It’s time to put B12 in the spotlight.

Vitamin B12 is vital for your nervous system and for creating DNA and RNA, the building blocks of every cell in your body. You need B12 to maintain everything from your mood to your digestion. Yet many people have no idea about the signs and symptoms of low B12.

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In fact, a B12 deficiency can go undiagnosed for years, despite causing difficult symptoms like extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and muscle weakness. If you keep forgetting your to-do list or have trouble finding the right words, pay attention. The same goes for any numbness or tingling in your hands and feet.

It’s easy to miss the signs of B12 deficiency or chalk them up to stress or busyness. But if one or more of the following are true for you, it’s time to take notice: