Feasibility and comparison of left ventricular ejection flow acceleration recorded by cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: a case-control study

Acceleration measurement was feasible in all controls and in fourteen out of seventeen
patients (82%). TotalAcc and TempAcc (R2=0.45, p0.0001 and R2=0.49, p0.0001 respectively) but not ConvAcc (R2=0.004, p=0.74) were correlated with LVEF. Compared to control, mean LVEF (25±9 vs.
66±5, p0.0001) TotalAcc (1097±317 vs. 1818±306 cm.s-2, p0.0001) and TempAcc (1066±272 vs. 1656±257 cm.s-2, p0.0001) but not ConvAcc (706±478 vs. 840±613 cm.s-2, p=0.743) were significantly lower in DCM.