Miss Teen USA Deserves a Huge High-Five for Ditching Bikinis in Favor of Athleisure

Miss Universe president Paula Shugart told USA Today that the new athleisure competition is designed to “celebrate women’s strength, confidence, and beauty” in a more constructive way than, you know, throwing on a bikini. 

“This decision reflects an important cultural shift we’re all celebrating that empowers women who lead active, purposeful lives and encourage those in their communities to do the same,” Shugart says. “Our hope is that this decision will help all of Miss Teen USA’s fans recognize these young women for the strong, inspiring individuals they are.”

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It’s worth pointing out that, as of now, the Miss USA and Miss Universe competitions will still have a swimsuit competition. But having teens model athletic wear over bathing suits onstage is definitely a move in the right direction.

This year’s Miss Teen USA pageant will be held in Las Vegas on July 30—sans bathing suits.