The underlying neurobiology of key functional domains in young people with mood and anxiety disorders: a systematic review

Note. Sample: ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ANX anxiety disorder, AUD alcohol use disorder, BPD bipolar disorder, BPD-I bipolar disorder I, BPD-O bipolar disorder with obesity, BPD-L bipolar disorder with low alcohol use, BPD-H bipolar disorder with high alcohol use, BPD-N bipolar disorder without obesity, BPD-NOS bipolar disorder not otherwise specified, BPD-R bipolar disorder remitters, BPD-NR bipolar disorder non remitters, BPD-RE bipolar disorder responders to pharmacotherapy, BPD-NRE bipolar disorder non responders to pharmacotherapy, DD depressive disorder, CU cannabis user, GAD generalised anxiety disorder, gSP generalised social phobia, HC healthy controls, HC-O healthy controls with obesity, HC-N healthy controls without obesity, MDD major depression disorder, MDDx major depression disorder with borderline personality disorder, MHP mental health patients (mixed diagnosis sample), MT childhood maltreatment, OCD obsessive compulsive disorder, PC psychiatric control (i.e. psychiatric diagnosis but no suicide attempt), PSD psychotic spectrum disorder, SA suicide attempters, ST stage of illness; 1B, 2, 3, SAD social anxiety disorder

Measures: AAS anxiety analogue scale, ACQ alcohol consumption questionnaire, ADIS anxiety disorders interview schedule, ASI addictions severity index, AUDIT alcohol use disorder identification test, BDI beck depression inventory, BMI body mass index, PRS brief psychiatric rating scale, CALS child affect liability scale, CBCL child behaviour checklist, CDI children’s depression inventory, CDRS children’s depression rating scale; R revised, CGAS children’s global assessment scale, CGI clinical global impression scale, ChIPS children’s interview for psychiatric syndromes, CDDR customary drinking and drug use record, CGAS child global assessment scale, C-CASA Columbia Classification Algorithm of Suicide Assessment, CSHF Colombia Suicide History Form, DTI diffuse tensor imaging, DUSI drug use screening inventory, FH-RDC family history-research diagnostic criteria, fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, GAF global assessment of functioning, HAMA Hamilton anxiety rating scale, HDRS Hamilton depression rating scale, K-SADS kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia, LHAUD lifetime history of alcohol use disorder, LIFE modified longitudinal interval follow-up examination, LOI-CV Leyton Obsessive Inventory-Child Version, LSAS Liebowitz social anxiety scale, MASC multidimensional anxiety scale for children, MCQ meta cognition questionnaire, MFQ Mood frequencies questionnaire, MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy, PET positron emission tomography, PRS Pfeffer rating scale, OCDAS obsessive compulsive disorder analogue scale, RCADS the revised child anxiety and depression scale, SAC substance abuse course-modified life II, SCARED screen for child anxiety related disorders, SCID structured clinical interview for DSM, SIQ suicide ideation questionnaire, SIS suicide intent scale, SOFAS social and occupational functioning assessment scale, sMRI structural magnetic resonance imaging, STAI-C state- trait anxiety inventory – child version, TLFB time-line followback, VBM voxel-based morphometry, Y-BOCS Yale–Brown obsessive-compulsive scale, YMRS young mania rating scale, YSRS the youth self-report scale

Findings: ??=?Increased, Improved or Higher, ??=?Decreased, Reduced or Lower, ~?=?‘is associated with’, ACC anterior cingulate cortex, AD Axial diffusivity, ACG Anterior Cingulate Gyrus, BA Broadman Area -24, BL baseline, CV cerebellar vermis, DmPFC dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, DWMH deep white matter hyperintensities, FA fractional anisotropy, GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid, GM grey matter, GMV grey matter volumes, GSH glutathione, iFC intrinsic functional connectivity, LFG left fusiform gyrus, MD mean diffusivity, MFG middle frontal gyus, MPFC medial prefrontal cortex, OFC orbitofrontal cortex, RD radial diffusivity, PVH periventricular hyperintensities, PCG precentral Gyrus, PFC prefrontal cortex, TBV total brain volumes, TLV temporal lobe volume, VMPFC ventromedial prefrontal cortex, WMH white matter hyperintensities, WMV White Matter Volumes

*indicates that the study features more than once in the data synthesis