‘This Fitness Plan Helped Me Lose More Than 50 Pounds in Six Months’

When she set out to lose weight, Tamara began walking for 30 minutes five days a week on her treadmill at home. Breaking a sweat each day helped her lose two dress sizes quickly.

When a frustrating plateau struck in May 2015, Tamara ramped up her workout routine from walking to treadmill interval training—jogging and walking—for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  (Sweat towards your weight-loss goals with Women’s Health’s Look Better Naked DVD.)

RELATED: Exactly How to Lose Weight By Walking More

As her strength and endurance increased, Tamara was ready for her next challenge. She started doing 60-minute P90X videos six days a week with her husband. Then, to carve out more definition in her legs and abs, she began the 21 Day Fix’s fitness plan, which combines cardio, resistance training, Pilates, and yoga.