This Is How I Lost 90 Pounds Without Ever Stepping Foot In A Gym

Learning how to change my portions and make balanced choices helped me start eating healthier. Now, I plan everything. I go into the week knowing what I’m going to eat, whether that’s a meal I make at home or one I have out. Before, I’d eat until I thought I was full, which meant going back for seconds and thirds regularly. The biggest game-changer, though, was learning what proper portions actually look like. I used measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a scale to understand how much I was actually eating and how much I should be eating. And now I’m able to manage my food intake easily with the Weight Watchers points system.

I’m a big fan of organic vegetables, lean protein, and whole foods that are found in nature. I love to mix it up with my meals. For breakfast, I’m loving avocado toast with an egg on top right now. It’s the perfect blend of fiber and protein. However, my typical breakfast is two pieces of gluten-free toast, lots of berries, and maybe an egg for added protein. Lunch is usually where I try to save points, so I’ll do a big salad with whatever veggies are in season and a lean protein. I like to use most of my points for dinner—carbs are my favorite so dinner is usually Italian. When hunger kicks in between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., I snack on fruits and veggies with cheese and nuts, or sometimes I’ll heat up a veggie soup. (Learn how bone broth can help you lose weight with Women’s Health’s Bone Broth Diet.)

Again, my eating philosophy is all about effective planning. If I want to splurge, like I did when my husband and I celebrated our anniversary, I save my points for it. Additionally, if I’m ever out somewhere and am unsure how point-dense something is, I always split it with another person or take half of it home. I can have anything I want, I just have to be smart about when I’m having it.

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