Urine is NOT sterile as study finds healthy people have bacteria in bladders

  • Contrary to popular belief, the bladders of healthy women contain bacteria
  • This means their urine isn’t sterile, say U.S. researchers
  • Researchers also found people who suffer from an overactive bladder carry different bacteria, which could pave way for new treatments

Emma Innes

10:59 EST, 19 May 2014


14:05 EST, 19 May 2014

Urine is not sterile after all, new research has revealed

It has long been thought that human urine is sterile, but new research suggests this is not the case.

Scientists found bacteria live in the bladders of healthy women, meaning their urine is not sterile after all.

However, the researchers also found that the bacteria in the urine of healthy women are different to those found in the bladders of women with overactive bladders.

This finding could pave the way for new treatments for women with the condition which means they suffer sudden urges to urinate.

‘Doctors have been trained to believe that urine is germ-free,’ said Dr Linda Brubaker, from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.

‘These findings challenge this notion, so this research opens the door to exciting new possibilities for patient treatment.’

Evann Hilt, lead investigator and second year master’s student at the university added: ‘The presence of certain bacteria in women with overactive bladder may contribute to [their] symptoms.

‘Further research is needed to determine if these bacterial differences are clinically relevant for the millions of women with [overactive bladder] and the doctors who treat them.’

Approximately 15 per cent of women suffer from overactive bladder and yet an estimated 40 to 50 per cent do not respond to conventional treatments.

One possible explanation for the lack of response to medication may be the bacteria present in these women.

‘If we can determine that certain bacteria cause [overactive bladder] symptoms, we may be able to better identify those at risk for this condition and more effectively treat them,’ said Dr Alan Wolfe, co-investigator and professor of Microbiology and Immunology.

The bladders of healthy women contain bacteria but the bladders of women with overactive bladder contain different bacteria. This finding could lead to the development of new treatments for the condition

Researchers evaluated urine samples from 90 women with and without overactive bladder.

They used a new technique which enabled them to detect bacteria that would not previously have been identified.

The researchers now plan to determine which bacteria in the bladder are helpful and which are harmful.

Comments (6)

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23 minutes ago

Thought is was only men’s urine that was sterile?



39 minutes ago

Your tap water is unlikely to be sterile.

Pink Pony,

the ranch, Christmas Island,

1 hour ago

duh…..is that why you should wash your hands.?



1 hour ago

What rubbish ‘study’! There’s bacteria in virtually everything, especially waste from a human body.


Worcester, United Kingdom,

1 hour ago

It’s never been known as sterile, what was said was: You wouldn’t catch anything drinking it you didn’t already have.


Orlando, United States,

2 hours ago

Never thought it’s sterile. Over active bladder or not, it’s waste water and waste is not clean. Some people drink it for the reason known to themselves.

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